Visualising Health Care Data
Registercentrum (SKL & VGR)
Visualising psychiatric health care data from national and regional quality registers to provide a quick, easy and accessible tool to follow trends, report data and communicate results.
Role Lead UX- & Service Designer
Date 2015
How can we increase the usage of data from databases to improve the quality of the care given to patients and provide the a tool that is easy to understand and quick to analyse even if you're not a statistician.
Give the Swedish patients better psychiatric health care by giving the caregivers better tools to improving their work process.
Responsive web per quality register and field both on a regional and a national level.
Workshop to collaborate on what insights already exists and what problems to solve
Gathering more user insights via interviews and co-creation sessions where caregivers get to cut-and-paste a view they feel would be the most of use to them.
Iterate on goals and way forward
Create a first concept to test with users
Design iteration, information architecture and visual design
The solution is result of close collaboration with staticians, experts, health care providers, developers, copywriter and visual designer. My responsibility was as a Interaction and service designer to gather and map user insights, create flows, wireframes and prototype as well as fascilitating the design process with the team. Visual designer for this project was Jessica Olander.
Mapping the prioritised user groups
Through interviews and collaboration session we found the users behaviours, motivations, needs and pain points. Persona cards with user journeys displaying where the pain points where made it easy to discuss and prioritise what actions needed to be taken and what we needed to design to support them in the best way. The focus was on the care giver, the patient and the operation manager – All three with different need and ways of looking at the data.
Different user groups have different needs of detailed data and comparison. The concept was to provide a quick and accessible page for a specific health care provider and comparision between different units. But also give a way to drill down in the data.
Information architecture
Workshop with health care providers in order to understand what they would need to see.
Quick status
It needs to be quick and easy to understand if the healt care provider is on target or not. A combination of color, numbers and icons as signifier if they have succeeded the target, are almost there or are far behind.
Follow the trend
It was important to see the goal and follow the trend to see if you are heading in the right direction. This is to increase the participation of reporting the data and get engagement up if you see that the numbers are going up or down.
Comparing data
For the user group on a higher level in the organisation, it was important to be able to follow up and compare between different providers in order to see where more actions needed to be made.
Responsive data
The concept needed to be responsive and accessible in order to increase usage and follow up. On smaller screens the data needed to balance the smaller medium but still provide a good overview.